Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where The Heart Is

The past two and a half days did not fly by, they undulated with warmth and comfort. Incredible fresh food grown in the garden. Smiling faces of those I love and am so fortunate to have as my family. A clean, beautiful, comfortable home. Green grass and lush trees. Honest laughter and magnetic embraces. Being able to look everyone in the eye. Understanding all of my surroundings. Wrapped in the security blanket of home. A peace that has eluded me for years has washed over me. The uncertainty of the future is somehow less frightening. I'm a bit more prepared though I still have no idea what to expect. Sharing meals with my loved ones, spending a magical day at Singing Beach, waking up to love and support. It's been so good to be home. This feeling was not possible before I left. It is because I have marooned myself on another shore that I have finally clutched its elusive strings. This time is bittersweet, still uncertain and intimidating. With great challenges remaining in front of us, pain and fear remain constant, yet held at bay by the overriding strength of togetherness, through heart and soul. We shall not be overcome. We are all going to make it through.

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