Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back In San Diego

After a number of delays in Dulles, I am finally back in San Diego. I left the hotel in Geneva at 9pm Pacific Coast Time, and arrived about 25 hours later. One good thing about the delays, I caught up with my friends who were arriving from New York. We have another wedding this week. In fact, tomorrow night is scheduled for a bachelor party. This is an intense wedding season.

Not quite sure how I feel to be back here. I can certainly think of other places where my heart is. However, as you'll see in some of the forthcoming posts, this whole whirlwind should be providing me with greater drive, clarity, focus, and resolve. But at the moment I'm scattered, dizzy, and still waiting for my ears to pop. When I walked into my bare apartment, I saw a post it note on the table which I wrote a few hours before I left 11 days ago. It read, "Welcome Back to San Diego, your new home!" It struck me as odd. Let's see how I feel tomorrow.

I can say this. I feel great about where I've been. All the people I've met. All the friends I've reconnected with, all the sites I have seen. Being home beforehand enhanced the experience. Hopefully it won't be too long before I've got San Diego under my thumb.

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