Tuesday, September 28, 2010

False Pretenses

Once again, another day, another scam. With a hectic schedule, and little happening in job world, I agreed to an interview for a financial advisor position knowing that it was a commission based screw job. However, I felt that the act of getting suited up, driving there, and pushing the interview into my own direction would be good practice for when I'm sitting in an interview for a job that I want. I'm trying to better exercise the act of framing and re-framing situations to my advantage. I thought today provided a good opportunity.

I arrived at the scheduled time and was first alerted by the receptionist asking, "You're here for the 1 o'clock?" as though it were a group interview. See, I'd received three different emails confirming that I was meeting directly with a specific person (fyi, the website showed it was some guy with flamboyantly manicured eyebrows). Turns out, this was a two-step process. First a group business presentation by some other clown, complete with brochures and questions to determine the group's worthiness and/or gullibility, and those chosen would move on into the one on one. When I heard this from the receptionist, I laughed out loud, stated I had no interest in a dog and pony show and walked right out the door. It took about 90 seconds altogether. But I didn't show up to get suckered into buying a time share, I went in for a job interview. I felt good telling them to kiss my ass.

After that, I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items. As I had not eaten for a few hours, I soon became ravenous. A focused desire for quiche consumed my mind. I used the GPS to direct me to local French restaurants. I avoided the one at the mall, stopped at a couple others, both of which offered barbecue chicken quesadillas so those were out. 45 minutes and however much gas had passed out the window so I settled for an egg sandwich to be eaten at home.

The sun didn't make it out until about 3:45 today. Before that, it was still quite warm but grey and overcast. That made me happy. It was the kind of day where you felt free to walk around with a chip on your shoulder and a pissed off, East Coast demeanor. I enjoyed it while it lasted.

Now I'm trying to plan some events for the week so that I can get out and maybe find a home in this place where so far I am clearly not welcome. Tonight is the Spanish discussion group at La Costa Brava. I'm looking forward to that. Tomorrow there's a free movie showing and, though I've seen it, why not go rather than sit around here. The local event calendar comes out tomorrow so I'll pick it up and plan out the rest of my week.

Here's to future days.

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