Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Dive In

Being poor and adrift, I put forth some free events to fill my calendar and help me get immersed in San Diego. Tonight was first up, free showing of Weird Science at The Pearl, a hotel in Point Loma. I had seen just slightly more than the prior description in a local journal, and had no idea what to expect. Was presented with an alternative offer, but I stuck to my guns.

So I ended up at the Pearl around 7:30. From Rosecrans Street, this place looked like the Bates Motel. What a dump. Then I walked in and I was in the middle of an ultra-trendy, L.A. like scene. Stereophonic servers, chi-chi clientele, and very expensive menu items. I mean look at the picture from the link below, Hollywood chic, right? On the outside it was a disaster, inside you would never want to leave.

I was ignored for a solid ten minutes when I sat at the bar, nothing unusual these days but I'd had enough and complained to the manager, a heavily tattooed short man who was working two blondes at the other end of the bar. I asked if the establishment didn't want my money. Soon enough, I had very attentive dingbat service. My orders were taken, specifications (no mayonnaise!) were ignored, and I sat there trying to enjoy such a happening spot. I talked with the guy on my right who clearly worked in the business and we dissected the service and some differences between the East and West Coast approach. On my left were two dudes acting as each other's wing while they ran sets with every server and woman they encountered. Pretty funny. A charming group introduced themselves to me and swept me away, right after I was offered a free dessert wine called "Naughty Silky" and had my request for more soda water completely ignored. My bill was drastically comped, so I saved a significant amount. All in all, good times.

The movie, by the way, was Weird Science. I remember living on Cottownwood Circle and going to see it with my parents in 1985. Meanwhile, my sister was babysitting on Tiffany Lane for Eric (ironically, eight months older than me) and Kara. My parents were appalled by all the sex and bad behavior in the movie. Even though I didn't understand it at the time, I loved it, and had much to tell Eric. Classic. Never thought I'd be watching it at a pool bar in San Diego, stepping back to appreciate Kelly Le Brock in all her delectable glory. Very funny movie, and I understand why my parents were outraged at the time. But that just makes the whole thing funnier. Good times.

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