Thursday, August 12, 2010

Move In Day

Today is move in day and it was certainly the easiest one I've ever had. Two trips, a run to WalMart and about a dozen trips up the stairs and it's all in there. My car is empty for the first time in nearly two months. I have a place of my own for the first time in 11 months and 11 days.

Forgot that the air mattress pump needs 12 hours to charge so I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight. That's really the only furniture I have, I'll get some pics up of the coming progression. All of the places out here have carpeting, so tonight that's going to come in handy.

Met a couple of the neighbors, they seem very California.

I think it's hard to tell from these pictures but the place is quite spacious. And, it's incredibly clean. I think this is the only time I've moved into a place where the management company actually did a professional cleaning job. Nevertheless I picked up a number of cleaning supplies today and will be shaping it up to my standards.

Won't have internet at home until Tuesday. Had to sign away a ridiculous sum to get cable/net/phone and now have to wait on it for 5 days. I wanted to get just the net but the property managers require a home phone and I figure I'll be spending a lot of time there until I find a job so with the tv I can watch local news, Padres games, and work on my Spanish with Telemundo. I think I also get the Russian cable channel, so that will be cool, too.

So, another step on the adventure. Thank you all for your support. You now have a place to crash in San Diego. Hope to see you soon!

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