Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

From what I understand, today is the only Friday the 13th of 2010. Hope it is a good one for you all.

So, after retiring to the floor last night with a sheet for warmth and a folded towel for a pillow, I awoke some time near dawn. I was freezing. Left the windows open and it gets cold at night. I rose up with aches in various places to shut the windows and at this point I realized that the air mattress pumped had been charged for over 12 hours. So a quick burst of air and my sleeping conditions were upgraded. Fell back asleep until mid-morning.

Walked down towards the cafe. Disappointed that they don't serve wheat grass, I ordered green tea, because I am still absent a tea strainer. Crossing the street I investigated the yoga studio, and the owner came over to ask what questions I had. He had a strong and gentle presence. There was a class starting in 51 minutes, but he made me feel as though I had all the time in the world if I wanted to take part. If not, he'd see me at some other time. I walked down to the Bay and dipped my feet in the water. Then strolled leisurely back to my apartment, grabbed my mat and took the circuitous route back to the studio.

There were four of us in the class including the instructor. One guy was maybe a couple years younger than me. Nice guy, studied divorce law at BU and is now starting his practice. He drove up in a Beamer. The other student was an Escalade and opened the back hatch so his two giant Labradors could see him through the glass walls of the studio. He has his own martial arts studio in Del Mar.

Despite my economic and athletic disadvantage, these guys made me feel right at home. Turns out that the instructor's birthday is August 7th, lawyer's birthday is August 21st. I provide the glue with my birthdate of the 14th. The style of the class was more like an informal workshop, but it was incredibly demanding. As usual, I had to focus on letting go of my frustration and embracing my effort. The class provided multiple challenges, but each were presented in a calm and supportive manner. Though I doubt I'll be joining them for their snowboarding trip to the Himalayas this winter, I would like to spend more time with these guys. They are all successful, and have good attitudes.

Does anyone know of, or ever seen, the green blip? Also known as the green flash or burst? Apparently when the sun sets into the Pacific there is a green flash that darts across the horizon. I haven't seen it yet. But during a difficult pose today I realized that last night I saw the green blip in my dream. I was driving northwest and saw the sun pour into the ocean almost on fast forward, and suddenly a green vase of light shot up from the water before vanishing into thin air. I remember feeling so excited and energized during my dream, feeling I had been in the right place at the right time.

After class, I walked back to the bay and dipped into the Bay. It felt beautiful.

I returned, very hungry and looking forward to eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As I went to open the bread, I realized that I have no utensils. Time to shower up and go get some sustenance.

Enjoy your Friday, everyone.

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