Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Keep Trying, Everyday

Worked the promotions today and did decent, but it was an uphill battle. I had two occasions where I sold my entire audience, but those were audiences of 7 and 3, respectively.

As this job is obviously a boondoggle, I went to a meeting tonight for another opportunity. My skepticism was on red alert, but I still went straight after an incredibly peaceful and inspiring yoga class to a Double Tree Suites in Mission Valley (to envision this, wherever you may live, just think, Double Tree Suites(!). I changed from yoga gear to a full suit in the middle of the parking lot. Walked in and found a big to-do complete with slide show. Check in, name tags, club music (really) and, most importantly, direct check in with whoever had "invited" you. This was a multilevel marketing scheme. I tried to make a quick exit, but was thwarted by a flunkie who found my hostess, who then offered me a seat in the front row. There were over two hundred people there, all of whom could best be described as the great unwashed. There was absolutely no criteria to be an invitee. I walked right out the door.

And now the best part. As I'm walking through the garage where I was previously unrobed, I was approached by a rough looking woman who, in her fake fur coat, and heavy cheap heals, appeared seven or so years past her probable age of 38.

"Do you work for the hotel?" She asked.


"Well, you look very professional," she replied.

Get on with it.

"Is there a better place to park? I'm here for a meeting..."

"Is that for pre-paid legal services?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

At this point, I know she is 20 minutes late.

"I just walked out."

And now, from the first breath, as well as the entire conversation which ensued, hearing about her lost phone and busy schedule, I was hit by the full force tsunami of her breath, which enveloped me with an undeniable cloud of Jack Daniels.
Not bourbon. Not whiskey. Jack Daniels. Old No. 7.

It was 7 pm. And, from what I ascertained from the ensuing discussion, came on a night before two potential job interviews for this woman.

There I am, with the great unwashed.

I set off for Costa Brava, at least I could speak Spanish for an hour or so.

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