Friday, June 25, 2010


Settling in here in beautiful San Francisco. Very unique and vivacious city. I'm a bit slow and overwhelmed out on the streets. Quite a big city, with far more pedestrians than LA, constant traffic and motion; all that coupled with the shock of grief and I'm bumbling a bit as I try to amble along.

In the hopes of revitalization, I made my way into Chinatown yesterday for nourishment. Found a very cool sushi place and happily began a heavy intake of seaweed, sushi, green tea, and sake. Then it was around the corner for an acupuncture session to help rebalance my system. One funny exchange on that...I asked my waiter, who went by the stage name of Raymond, if he knew of a good acupuncturist nearby. Raymond spoke little English, so I'm sure if I knew the term in Japanese he'd understand, but I asked him and he responded, "what is acupuncture?" --"An ancient Chinese art of healing, with needles?" He had no idea.

The treatment significantly soothed the knots in my neck, shoulders, and lower back. Rejuvenated, I made my way back into the streets to meet my dad and head down to AT & T Park to see the Red Sox take on the Giants. We had a nice long walk and culture immersion into the stadium. It was the first time the Red Sox had been here since 2004, and we all know how well things turned out that year, the year when life changed and suddenly the most extravagant of dreams became more possible. Very intense and positive atmosphere in the beautiful park. We had incredible seats but were absolutely freezing. It couldn't have been more than 55 degrees at game time and there was a roiling mist whirling through the park from the bay on the other side of the fence. I had wisely stopped into H & M to get a sweatshirt before heading in. My dad was increasingly constricted by the cold so I went into the concourse and bought him an official Red Sox thermal to not only aid in fighting the cold but also to feel wardrobe kinship with the pros on our beloved team. The Sox came up short but it was a good game.

After a nice long walk back I headed upstairs and went right to sleep. We met up for breakfast and talked all about the difficult transitions we're feeling. Sad, but healing, and comforting to be together.

Have to quickly get ready now to help prepare everything for tonight's awards ceremony. Going to be a long day and night but I wanted to check in and wish you all a good Saturday.

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