Saturday, October 9, 2010

Zoo Walk

Out the door at 6:30am this morning, headed for the San Diego Zoo. This marked the first sun rise I have seen since arriving here at the end of June. Yes, it was beautiful, but my eyes were only half open so I can't provide all that much detail about it. Pink, orange, red, glow, lovely...that's all I've got.

All the participants received bib numbers like you would for a marathon. We also got a nice canvas bag (good for groceries) filled with a canine pooper scooper, dog's chew toy, and human's event t-shirt. At least I can use one of the items. Wish I had a dog, but I can barely take care of myself these days.

There was a great collection of volunteers to provide enthusiastic support for the 2 and a half mile walk. Every 40 feet or so, somebody wearing an event shirt and beads was screaming their encouragement to inspire us to keep forging ahead around the perimeter of the zoo. Pretty safe to say that these people aren't there during normal zoo hours. There were also various local musicians spread out along the walk: a blues band, a guy playing guitar, a group of African drummers, and a pre-teenage heavy metal cover band. All of the acts were good. There was also the appearance of a Miss Teen Vista, and Miss Teen some other town in San Diego County. That was a bit odd, I guess to compete you only need to be 16. Weird. I did, however, appreciate the support of the SDSU cheerleaders. Though the whole squad didn't make it out, their presence, and encouragement, was very welcome.

So, in spite of all of these added attractions, most of the animals were still lost in slumber. I don't blame them. However, it was beautiful to see the small herd of elephants waking up against the rising sun. These beautiful, intelligent creatures seemed warmed by early crowd of onlookers. One of the big guys even waved his trunk to the crowd, while the others meandered in the distance. An absolutely beautiful male lion and his lionness were non-plussed by the ensuing throng, laying down comfortably, graceful, appearing almost statuesque in their beauty and stillness. Though they were the inspiration for the walk, the polar bears were still asleep as we all passed by. However, a few of their global cousins were out and about in their own enclosures.

Though I took some time to embrace the presence of these wonderful creatures, for the most part I kept moving. As you all know, I'm not a morning person. Still, I had a smile on my face and the excitement of a child at several moments along the way.
Then, towards the end of the walk, I had a wonderful experience.

Despite all of the people making their way around the zoo, there was a moment where I found myself almost alone. I was the only human along the path, but staring out at me from an alcove in her enclosure was an absolutely majestic Transvaal lionness. Her hypnotic and beautiful eyes locked with mine. The world became still. A profound energy filled my body. We had made contact. Once our connection was made, I smiled and sent out my reverence and positivity. I released my gaze from her enchanting sun like eyes, and could feel almost a physical break as I moved back on my way.

Zoos can be very sad places. The San Diego Zoo is not. It is a wonderful place. The animals are treated so well and given so much room to move. I feel like they are almost like wealthy animals that have moved into luxury condos where everything is provided for them.

There are so many problems in our world today, it is very hard to focus on one cause or the other, especially when so many are fighting just to stay afloat. Yet today was a day of joy and connection; walking alongside children, young and old, delighting in the presence of some of the world's most magnificent creatures. Bearing witness in a zoo is certainly nothing like the wild, but it offers a reminder to those who may never get the chance to go on safari that these animals are a special part of our world, and makes them more likely to fight to keep them a part of it.

As our world gets smaller and humans seek to possess all they desire, more and more animals are displaced. Some magnificent animals such as Siberian tigers, who have no natural predators, are living on the verge of extinction thanks to poaching, as mercenaries seek out to murder animals so that some vainglorious rich asshole can possess an element of nature that they themselves don't have the balls to challenge directly. Sadly, zoos can provide a last refuge for these coveted giants. Let's hope that is not the case, let us not drive any more animals to extinction.


  1. Animals... Wonderful creatures that fill our lives with emotions that are hard to describe in words, they make many of us deleriously happy, they give so much...Isn't it about time for us, humans, to repay the generosity, the warm feelings, the care and much more?! It is time!!!

  2. It is time! Respect the environment and save the animals!
