Monday, October 18, 2010

Many Rivers To Cross

As for today, one of the busiest days I’ve had here. 2 interviews, one on Camino Del Rio, of course (that’s where I’ve had easily a dozen interviews so far), and the other in La Jolla. Then over to Point Loma for an orientation of sorts for the job I did get as an actor/merchandiser (from Saturday's audition). I have a 6 page single spaced script to be fully memorized in one week, so once I do that we’ll talk more about the job. Just thinking right now, 3 different areas, only about a 15 mile radius, but I covered all of it in a reasonable amount of time. If I were doing the same thing in Los Angeles, we’d be factoring in an extra hour or even two to do all of that. Big reason why I chose San Diego.

Both interviews (one for financial planning, the other for marketing) went well, neither job is for me. One seems very good, the other very bad, I’m sure I would get hired doing either. I’m still planning to follow through on at least one as I think it’s worth it to build up my network. More important, finally, after months of futility, I’m starting to get some better meetings.

Back to Crown Point for a bit to check in on the home front, which had been weighing on my mind all day and for weeks before that. Mom sounded good. Sounds like some rays of sunshine came through this lingering cloud. Mom deserves the best, she is loved and needed. Very happy to know that we have a positive foundation to build on to move through this ugly cloud.

Went off to my final yoga class at Power Core Fusion, a studio whose name sounds like the title of an action movie. The free, week long pass was given to me by a bartender I met a couple weeks ago who is training to be an instructor. The classes were terrific. Great energy, excellent workout, tremendous spirit. And fantastic music. As these clouds have hung over San Diego, music has become even more important and meaningful. The music in each and every class was first rate, and some selections are included below. All songs I have already, but hearing them in this environment helped strengthen the connection. Also, the male: female ratio in each class was about 1:7, so perks all around. And even though in one pose tonight I felt my left leg almost pop out of its socket, I had a wonderful time and found some peace, clarity, and positivity. I went by later tonight to thank the bartender, she was happy to hear that I had such a good experience. If she hadn't suggested that to me a couple weeks ago, my past week would have been very different.

Quick side note on music, earlier today I was driving along Mission Boulevard which borders the shoreline. I was rolling along in my suit and the radio began to play Katy Perry's "California Girls." I don't think there is anyone in the country over the age of 14 who isn't now totally annoyed by this song, even if at one point they liked it. But, somehow, I haven't heard it in a few weeks. So I was pumped and cranked it up. Windows down, cruising. I hit a stop light and came alongside a weary and very defeated man sitting on the corner, alongside his wheelchair and, seemingly, all of his earthly possessions. I must have looked like the epitome of carefree materialism. I knew I had exactly $1 in cash in my pocket. I pulled the car over and gave it to him. He smiled at me.

Good day today. As my mom said to me earlier, let’s keep this momentum moving ahead.

Enjoy the songs below...

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