Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sunday evening in San Diego. 10/10/10. Lately, I don't like the weekends out here. For everyone else, it is a time to head out and cut loose. For me, it becomes I time to withdraw. Since my time in the restaurant business, working the odd schedules, I've never felt that comfortable being out amongst the masses on Saturday nights. Until the past couple of years, I never enjoyed Sundays. Sundays always reminded me of dreading the return to school, another week of discomfort. I finally got past all that.

But now that it is Fall, it is football season. And, out in Southern California, football season is a big deal. Particularly college football, and bars literally become saturated with fans dressed in their school colors, screaming and cheering each movement of the game. It's loud. As someone who could really care less about football, I find it obnoxious. Of course, I have nothing against the fans, it's more the hangers on. There are so many people who don't have allegiance to anything, they are perfectly willing to assume a role of devotion in order to fit in with the crowd. Consequently they are louder and more histrionic than the true fans. In other words, they're annoying.

So, when it comes to the weekend I avoid bars and restaurants. Fortunately this week has brought the opening round of the Major League playoffs which, along with the new furniture, have enabled me to hide away and get lost in baseball. I'm hoping the Rangers can pull out a series win and knock out the Rays, and it's look like it will be Philadelphia and San Francisco over in the National League. If that's the case, let's go Giants.

Today is 10/10/10, one of those interesting calendar anomalies. Don't remember too much about 09/09/09, but that was a week in between some great activities: seeing The Killers and Pet Shop Boys in Boston at the outset and then heading down to Wilkes Barre for Gibby and Melissa's wedding the following weekend. Very good times. I still remember 8/8/88 very clearly. We took a group photo on a magnificently sunny day at Cape Cod Sea Camps in Brewster, I'll never forget the look of the bright blue sky and magnificent sunshine. That was also the date of the first night game at Wrigley Field, an event that was captured in six foot panoramic shot that hung above my bed for many years of my childhood.

Don't have any comparative stories for today. Woke up, stretched, waited for the cable guy, made breakfast, went over to help Tom and Jamie clear out the yard at their new house, went jogging, here we are. But there is no need for today's events to be significant. The numerical symmetry of the calendar is cool enough.

Hope everyone had a great day, and wishing you a restful night before, hopefully, a nice extra day off tomorrow.

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