Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Elephant Walk

Great day today.

Didn't sleep well last night. But, during the intermittent sleep, I awoke to light rain outside the window. Making it very easy to fall back asleep. Once morning broke, I finally woke up for real and went for a run around the Bay, convinced that it would be a sunny day. The sun never broke through.

Waited on a friend to come by and help me pick up a couch. We knocked that out pretty quickly. Then I went out in search of more furniture. I discovered the neighborhood of Mission Hills, which I had previously seen only on the outskirts. It's cool there. There's a bar there called The Lamplighter, which I'd heard of, that is known as the best karaoke bar in San Diego. As faithful readers may be wondering, Xavier's closed back in August, and I have not ventured out into karaoke land since. The Lamplighter gives me hope. During the day it was filled with out of work middle aged guys and one gorgeous bartender with a mammoth round ass. This is typical of many bars in San Diego, with the exception of the mammoth round assed bartender, most of the other bartenders are more surfer-type bodes, and typically adorned with excessive tattoos and piercings. Win some, lose some. In any case, I was glad for the discovery and for the soda water and bitters. Watched the first inning of the Reds-Phillies game there, no idea that I was about to miss a no-hitter.

Went to pick up my catering check. I got paid a measly $10 an hour. So the check came to $69 and change. By the time I was at IKEA, I got a call for a gig tomorrow as a dishwasher. Is this what I've come to??? I was on board to do it as it was from 12-4. But then they called back and changed the hours from 12-6. I registered for a wine class tomorrow, and that cost $35, so I wasn't about to throw that out the window and turned the job down due to the conflict. If the job ran 'til 4 I could do it and come close to recouping the cost of the class, and still be able to go to the class. If I took it with the hours 'till six, I would break even in cost but lose the class. I'll take the education.

Around 4pm I wound up in Ocean Beach. The farmer's market, which occurs in each neighborhood on a different day of the week around San Diego, was in Ocean Beach today, Wednesday. The day arrived here, Wednesday, June 30, I pulled into Ocean Beach for the farmer's market. Today was coincidence. Yet I got so much out of it. I walked between the stands into the middle of the street and was greeted by three llamas. They were on their break, eating tall grass out of plastic bins. They were happy to see me. I did not disturb them. But I was absolutely elated to see them. We shared our telepathic exchange. I then moved on to the other side of the street.

Two stands down, I found a Russian stand selling blini. 2 for $5. Fantastic. They were delicious, but I only know that because I've had much better.

I ran into a guy who stopped me because I was wearing my COMBAT ZONE, BOSTON t-shirt, which is money. He was an Irishman who used to live in Dorchester before moving West to work in construction without the interruption of winter. He's been here for 25 years, and loves Ocean Beach.

Every interaction today was easy, smooth, and organic. I had a new friend provide me a favor. I met new people. I felt valued. I bumped into wonderful things that were right there. Today reminded me of why I wanted to move here.

Thank you for today.

Also. Earlier today I saw a billboard for a Zoo Walk this Saturday which is aiming to raise money for elephant support. I registered and will walk. You can find more information below:

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