Monday, November 8, 2010

Processing, Processing...

Despite the fact that I had a scheduled $500 deposit today, I still had the awesome experience of getting to the register and having my transaction denied. There I was at CVS, which previously was empty, but somehow during my intended transaction the population grew exponentially, all in line right behind me. Transaction denied. Another form of payment? Fuck that, I wanted to know the story. Though I had over $350 available yesterday, and spent about $130 on my errands, the cable company did an automatic debit 5 days early. And, of course, the scheduled deposit was not made. Meanwhile, we're being paid in arrears for the new job so I should get the subsidy from the first two weeks on Thursday. Unfortunately, today is Monday.

But here's the funny part. So, in anticipation of needing some extra cash, I went into Wells Fargo to cash my check from the catering company for that job back in September. The check was dated October 4th, and was drawn on Wells Fargo. It was for $68 dollars and twenty seven cents. Should be a simple transaction yes? I was having a nice discussion with the teller who was asking me about where I had lived and such, but then I noticed a look of confusion creep across his face around the time he's normally supposed to opening the drawer and pulling out my cash. Instead, he went to get his supervisor. The catering company didn't have a covering balance in the account. They didn't have $68.27 in the fucking account! Are you serious?! Fortunately, the teller and his supervisor were incredibly cool. I made a joke about how I understood because it was such a large check, they laughed and went ahead and processed it. So I have my 68 bucks, in addition to my other cash. Tomorrow my deposit should appear. In two days, my paychecks should appear. I can't wait until I am rich enough to never have to worry about this crap ever again.

On the short ride home, the rock station was playing Johnny Cash. I felt like the man in black was offering his support from out there in the ether. America still is a wonderful country.

In case you were wondering, before Johnny Cash the radio station played a song by Spoon, and they followed up Johnny with "Judith" by A Perfect Circle, a personal favorite.

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