Friday, November 5, 2010

First Week At Work

Technically it's my second, but we're actually still training so I guess it's neither. Anyway, didn't really explain the new job. Working for an international manufacturer called US Jesco. I'm part of a training group with 3 other actors and we all perform live infomercials at various retail outlets. I took it because a) I need the money, and b) because I think there's some potential here. First of all the company sounds like it is growing and there is plenty of opportunity for advancement. Second of all, this forces me to get up in front of people and rock the house day in, day out, 7 or 8 times a day. I have no doubt that I can knock the hell out of it once in awhile, it's the trick of learning how to do it automatically. I figure that skill will help me in any and all areas as life progresses. Plus, it's part time, so I can still keep working towards my goal of achieving unparalleled excellence in beverage distribution.

Of course the past three weeks, it's been far more than part time. Memorizing a 20 minute presentation, and rehearsing it over and over, this week in front of live audiences. It's a bitch. Today I made a breakthrough and did my best one yet. It was a very good feeling. Almost enough to momentarily eclipse the daily reoccurring thought of, "how the hell did I end up here?" Fortunately, my fellow colleagues are all in the same spot, and they are really talented, very quality guys. So in that sense, I feel I am in good company.

Have to head in for another day of carnival barking tomorrow, but today I did make it out in time to have a jog along the bay, catch the sunset, and get home to watch the Celtics (eventually) win over the Bulls. Momentum is building.

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