Monday, November 22, 2010


My Sunday night was based around seeing one of my fellow actors perform with his improv troupe. This event was even detailed on Facebook. Our compatriot was there with his girlfriend and her friend and our buddy was at the table, heralding a night of celebration. Unfortunately, the troupe had the intention of focusing on the senior members, and relegating the newcomers to the background. This frustrated us, though there was no way we would have missed it.

Feeling as though I left empty handed, I decided to stop by the Tiki Bar on my way home to touch base with the musician friends I had made earlier and somehow, through articulate diplomacy, explain that I was for real as a musician. The first question was, where's your horn? So I said I'd be back in 10. And 14 minutes later, I was onstage, playing saxophone in front of the public for the first time in far too long.

I'm happy for this development. This picture is from my friend, on his earlier visit to San Diego. But this is where it all went down.

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