Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Party #3, The Haunted House

Halloween is an incredibly popular event out here, and last night I found myself at one of the most spectacular events I've ever participated in. A collection of production crew types get together to transform a residential home in La Jolla into an all out house of horrors every year. Walking down the street hours before the start time, kids and adults kept asking if I was part of the haunted house. There was a warm energy in the air.

Adorned in a seemingly professional pirate costume, I was tapped to be a tour guide. The interior of the house was a giant green room, with makeup touchups in one corner, football on the television, and endless supplies of booze, water, and food throughout.
The exterior of the house was broken down into a twisty carousel of horrors. Beginning with a room full of audio/visual equipment all turned to static, transitioning into a room full of (fake) animals in cages and (real) fish carcasses being cut op by a demonic nurse. From there it was a biohazard facility with electrified fences and chainsaw wielding maniacs. Then a full military bio weapons unit shooting gas out at the passersby. Once we made it through that section, it was back outside across the pirate ship. The entire L-shaped patio of the house had been mutated into the deck of a pirate ship, complete with canons and menacing pirates and wenches. As you walked into the corn maze constructed on the lawn, you had to look out for the pirates firing their canons and the assorted maniacs coming at you through the corn stalks. The tour culminated in a carnival freak show with all sorts of twisted nasties, and finally on the opposite side of the curtain were friendly faces handing out candy.

This description does not do this party any justice. The production value here was at the same level as an attraction at Universal Studios. No exaggeration. I think there were over 50 people involved in the production either through creating the sets or volunteering as actors. Outside, a line of over one thousand people twisted around the neighborhood and snarled up the traffic.

The first hour, while a bit of sunlight remained, was for the kids. There were fewer characters lurking behind corners with bloody weapons for that portion. I'm not all too comfortable with children, so it was a real thrill to lead through group after group of young kids and seeing them delight in the spectacle. A couple stuck very close to me and reached for my arm when they got scared. Then there was a group of young girls that were terrified to enter the house, but then went through and discovered a new found, pleasing level of bravery. All of the kids left happy. And all the parents with them left happy, too.

After the kiddie hour, the gates were closed and we had a twenty minute reprieve to recollect ourselves. Once the gates re-opened the spooks and scares were dramatically amplified. More blood, more chainsaws, more screaming, and much more laughter. Everyone who came through the house last night seemed absolutely delighted, and it was such a pleasure and thrill to be included in the troupe. The weather last night was perfect, everyone was happy and excited. All the while, a giant pig was being roasted for the wrap party. Which arrived with plenty of wine, laughter and song. I had been advised by our hostess to stay in character and forgo a glass, so I was swigging wine right from the bottle. Our hostess also implored everyone to grab slices of the pig with their hands, we were pirates after all. How much fun.

Sorry I don't have more pictures, but it was a bit of a busy schedule. Hope this gives you an inkling of what transpired.

And I hope that everyone had a wonderful Halloween! Best wishes for the start of new, positive, and productive month.

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