Thursday, November 18, 2010

One Of Those

Went to put new sheets on the bed this morning. Apparently the spare set shrank in the wash and, rendered useless for its rue purpose, has been ripped up for its new duty as a collection of floor cleaning rags.

Sat down to update the new iPod with the resurrected computer. The iTunes library, comprised of over 1000 albums all sitting 3000 miles away, is temporarily lost.

Went to the grocery store to pick up some produce for the infotainment presentations. The required cantaloupes were out of stock.

Needing quarters for the laundry machine, went into San Diego Credit Union. Upon entry I was forced to remove my hat. Then I was told that, as I did not have an account, quarters would not be provided in exchange for cash. Consequently, SDCU will never be my local bank.

Went across the street to the laundromat to exchange my ten for quarters. The machine interred my bill then spit it back out. I went to withdraw it but the machine wouldn't let it go. Suddenly I had half of the ten dollar bill.

Went next door to the dry cleaner to explain my situation. Initially I was told there was nothing they could do. A quick articulation of the situation beckoned a manager who, after taking a phone call, accepted the ripped ten and provided me with two fives. Back next door to the other change machine, quarters at last.

A run on the bay helped relieve some of the anxiety.

Let's see how the rest of today goes.

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