Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Feaster Five

Here's a wrap up on The Feaster Five. Michael and I ran last week on a brisk and beautiful Thanksgiving morning. Just saw that I ran with an 8m40s/mile pace and was the 653rd person to cross the finish line. After mile one, I thought I would be dramatically better than that but I slowed down a bit and thought many times about giving up, though ultimately I decided against it. The race is a very fun and healthy event which I recommend to anyone who is in the Merrimack Valley on Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Green Flash!

Yes! Tonight I saw The Green Flash! You won't be able to tell from the pictures, but it was an incredible wave of light that resonated throughout the sky at a few different moments. The sky was streaked with purple, orange, yellow, 3 different shades of blue, from powder to midnight, and every couple minutes, for a few seconds you would see bands of green emanating outward.
It was beautiful and exhilarating.

It's been a bit on the chilly side here, in the 50s. Christmas decorations are up. Despite the nice weather, there is a touch of winter.

I stopped by the waterfront to watch the sunset with no inkling of what lay in store. I heard a couple homeless guys talking about the green flash, figured it was not to be. But it was. So cool.

New old tune I discovered last night, enjoy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Back In Beantown

Back with loved ones. Back to guilt. Great day. I miss it here. But I'm happy I made the choice to be where I've gone. It was the right thing to do. The new Louis store is crap, it looks like a tricked out garage. The Barking Crab is still fun but now way overpriced, it's not Legal Seafoods. Being in the same time zone and personal space of so many friends and family is really fantastic. Thank you all.

And Florence and the Machine really have great taste in music.

Monday, November 22, 2010


My Sunday night was based around seeing one of my fellow actors perform with his improv troupe. This event was even detailed on Facebook. Our compatriot was there with his girlfriend and her friend and our buddy was at the table, heralding a night of celebration. Unfortunately, the troupe had the intention of focusing on the senior members, and relegating the newcomers to the background. This frustrated us, though there was no way we would have missed it.

Feeling as though I left empty handed, I decided to stop by the Tiki Bar on my way home to touch base with the musician friends I had made earlier and somehow, through articulate diplomacy, explain that I was for real as a musician. The first question was, where's your horn? So I said I'd be back in 10. And 14 minutes later, I was onstage, playing saxophone in front of the public for the first time in far too long.

I'm happy for this development. This picture is from my friend, on his earlier visit to San Diego. But this is where it all went down.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yes, life's a struggle these days. But I get to see this on my way home.

Cardiff By The Sea, CA, 11.20.2010.

All Wet

I hate umbrellas. They are a pain to carry around, are easily thwarted and destroyed by the wind, and are far too easily left behind once you've reached your destination. A few days before heading West, my girlfriend gave me an umbrella. Not just any umbrella. The coolest umbrella ever. On the outside it was a blue and white striped umbrella, but it had a strong, determined structure that wouldn't bend easily in the wind. And, on the interior, it had a print lithograph of Giselle Bundchen smirking in only her bikini bottoms. Now this is an umbrella. Of course, thinking I wouldn't be able to use it in sunny San Diego, I left it behind. I miss it. Could have really used it today, as it is still pouring out. I stopped to get gas and felt very at home getting pelted by wind streaked rain. Got back in the car and heard this absolutely fantastic song on the radio, fitting. It's a rainy Saturday.

November Rain

Waking up to a rainy day in San Diego. Legitimate rain, complete with wind, not just some heavy mist. ON the way home Thursday I heard a forecast on the radio calling for rain, which I found kind of novel out here. Though it is November 20th, I don't really feel that Thanksgiving is under a week away, and Christmas is next month. Even though for the past three weeks I have been working in shopping malls and, consequently, bludgeoned with Christmas music. Looking forward to going back to Beantown, I figure then it will click.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

One Of Those

Went to put new sheets on the bed this morning. Apparently the spare set shrank in the wash and, rendered useless for its rue purpose, has been ripped up for its new duty as a collection of floor cleaning rags.

Sat down to update the new iPod with the resurrected computer. The iTunes library, comprised of over 1000 albums all sitting 3000 miles away, is temporarily lost.

Went to the grocery store to pick up some produce for the infotainment presentations. The required cantaloupes were out of stock.

Needing quarters for the laundry machine, went into San Diego Credit Union. Upon entry I was forced to remove my hat. Then I was told that, as I did not have an account, quarters would not be provided in exchange for cash. Consequently, SDCU will never be my local bank.

Went across the street to the laundromat to exchange my ten for quarters. The machine interred my bill then spit it back out. I went to withdraw it but the machine wouldn't let it go. Suddenly I had half of the ten dollar bill.

Went next door to the dry cleaner to explain my situation. Initially I was told there was nothing they could do. A quick articulation of the situation beckoned a manager who, after taking a phone call, accepted the ripped ten and provided me with two fives. Back next door to the other change machine, quarters at last.

A run on the bay helped relieve some of the anxiety.

Let's see how the rest of today goes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Take The Good With The Bad

I spent yesterday morning doing yoga on the beach. I spent this morning standing in line at the DMV. I was there for two and a half hours.

Yesterday was better.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Set Your Intention

I signed off yesterday saying that today would be a good day. I woke up in full recognition of that intention. Within an hour of rising up, I was doing yoga on Mission Beach, just a few feet from the lapping waves.

The morning was overcast, and with the sound of passing cars, I wondered if perhaps it was raining. Opening the blinds, I was relieved to see that it was perfectly dry. By the time I arrived at the park, the clouds were beginning to part. Soon enough, we were under brilliant sunshine, performing yoga against the waves and beneath the brilliant blue skies.

This was absolutely magnificent.

After practice, staring out at the waves, I noticed the blue hue of the Pacific almost mirroring the winter shade of the Atlantic. Except here, there was no frost, no ice, it was 65 degrees and we're on the beach in November wearing shorts, comfortable as could be. We sat, embracing the beauty. Then the beautiful girl to my left pointed to the water and stated, in an absolutely mundane fashion, "there's a dolphin." Sure enough, only about 50 feet away, a couple of dolphins were arcing through the water in front of us. I'd never seen a dolphin in the wild before today. I'll never forget it.

Now, the rest of my day couldn't match the beginning, but that would be hard to do. I am grateful for the majesty of this morning. I will use it as inspiration for a better tomorrow.

p.s. i wasn't on the beach this morning holding a camera with amazing shutter speed, that is a stock photo. Nevertheless, that is a pretty good representation of what I saw.

Monday, November 15, 2010


A disapproving word renders one doubtful, like a cold fish leaves one feeling ugly. A person obstinate to logic makes you feel crazy, and a flawed system leaves you on a sinking ship. All the while, your distress signals go unheeded, and there you are adrift in the abyss. Of course, each of these things can be overcome, but there are the days where they pile up, bringing that positive outlook down below the ground, struggling for air. Sometimes it is better not to listen to anyone, especially if they have nothing positive to offer. And free advice is not always necessary, because if it is irrespective of the receiver's situation, it doesn't help either party.

Drove forty miles back through a thick fog that has settled over most of San Diego County. Since my iPod is still out of commission, it is quiet in my apartment. After vacuuming, I had some dark chocolate, organic peanut butter, and almond milk. Didn't get to work out today. Definitely thought a great deal about the present and the future. I have been all day.

I'm tired of people focusing strictly on wealth. Money is important, security is vital, but I'm tired of hearing people who focus on money above all else. Being told lately by more than one person that my goals will not pay the same way other things might is something I find redundant and rude. Yes, you can make six figures as a financial advisor. You can also make six figures as the CEO of a liquor distribution company. The Tye family (owners of United Liquors in Massachusetts) was one of the richest families in the state, and they were also one of the most charitable. You can make six figures (or much more) on a script. Of those three examples, no pursuit is mightier than any other, and none are mighty for the salary they command. You are supposed to love what you do. I came out here to find a pursuit that I love and develop a wonderful life, with great security, and a bright future. Somehow, I still get treated like I'm out here strictly to be a beach bum and piss away my life. I realize that I don't have shit right now, I'm not sure how I could be more forthright about it on this page. I'm still working, each and every day to make things brighter. I know that I have to struggle, but what was I doing before? I certainly wasn't flourishing. And I took the chance to change things for the better. It's ridiculous to think that I would know by now whether the move was right or wrong, it doesn't happen that quickly, and certainly not in this economy. I want a career. I want a house. I want a boat. I enough wealth to take care of all of my friends and family. Yes, I'm behind, and nobody knows that more than me.

The bigger point is, there is no life without love. Love in what you do, love in who you are, and love for those you cherish. On days like today, I feel extremely alone. But this is not a feeling that was alien to me before I came here. At times I felt just as alone in the past, and that is another reason why I keep searching.

With all of that said. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

Be Positive. Be Positive.

Really trying to. This is a big uphill battle and there seems to be no easing out there in the job market. We are afraid of what we do not know, and there are so many questions marks right now.

But, if you think positive, you will receive positive. So let's think positive.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wrong Address

I was very excited last night to have my first theatre experience in San Diego, a production of Arthur Miller's The Crucible. I had low expectations, especially when Galicia, the box office receptionist told me there was plenty of parking in the strip mall where the theatre was located. Well I guess I should have asked her for the exact address as well, because when I went to the address I had there was no strip mall. And there was no crucible. Instead I found myself at the home of the Diversionary Theatre, the home of one of the nation's oldest LGBT theatre companies. The play was Anita Bryant Died For Your Sins, the poster (not the one in the pic, the one in the link), was certainly suggestive. Figuring I was still in the right place, and that they had a black box theatre, I climbed the stairs in search of a mass hysteria parable. No such luck, instead, it was the story of an awkward young boy's discovery and acceptance of his homosexuality.

But I have to say, it was a really enjoyable play. The lead kid drove me up a wall but there was a really engaging supporting cast and some good messages within the drama. So there you have it, my first San Diego theatre experience.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Beautiful Day, Lovely Song

Had a nice run down on the Bay this morning. It is a truly beautiful day, blue skies, bright sun, about 64 degrees.

This song popped into my head as I ran so I wanted to share it, unfortunately no embed code, so you have to go to the link.

Robert Palmer/Hugh Marsh, "Sempre Nel Mio Cuore."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Processing, Processing...

Despite the fact that I had a scheduled $500 deposit today, I still had the awesome experience of getting to the register and having my transaction denied. There I was at CVS, which previously was empty, but somehow during my intended transaction the population grew exponentially, all in line right behind me. Transaction denied. Another form of payment? Fuck that, I wanted to know the story. Though I had over $350 available yesterday, and spent about $130 on my errands, the cable company did an automatic debit 5 days early. And, of course, the scheduled deposit was not made. Meanwhile, we're being paid in arrears for the new job so I should get the subsidy from the first two weeks on Thursday. Unfortunately, today is Monday.

But here's the funny part. So, in anticipation of needing some extra cash, I went into Wells Fargo to cash my check from the catering company for that job back in September. The check was dated October 4th, and was drawn on Wells Fargo. It was for $68 dollars and twenty seven cents. Should be a simple transaction yes? I was having a nice discussion with the teller who was asking me about where I had lived and such, but then I noticed a look of confusion creep across his face around the time he's normally supposed to opening the drawer and pulling out my cash. Instead, he went to get his supervisor. The catering company didn't have a covering balance in the account. They didn't have $68.27 in the fucking account! Are you serious?! Fortunately, the teller and his supervisor were incredibly cool. I made a joke about how I understood because it was such a large check, they laughed and went ahead and processed it. So I have my 68 bucks, in addition to my other cash. Tomorrow my deposit should appear. In two days, my paychecks should appear. I can't wait until I am rich enough to never have to worry about this crap ever again.

On the short ride home, the rock station was playing Johnny Cash. I felt like the man in black was offering his support from out there in the ether. America still is a wonderful country.

In case you were wondering, before Johnny Cash the radio station played a song by Spoon, and they followed up Johnny with "Judith" by A Perfect Circle, a personal favorite.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stay Classy

When I woke up one Friday morning in winter 2004 and put on Anchorman, I didn't expect much. I then proceeded to laugh my ass off at a movie that would serve as a touchstone for hilarity forever afterward. Of course, the Red Sox had already achieved the previously impossible by winning the World Series, and life for all Sox fans had changed for the infinitely better. No wonder I was in a good mood. Still, I had no clue one day I would pick up and move to that fabled place, which by then I had already visited.

Tonight, TBS' West Coast programming featured Anchorman, and I found myself a bit tickled to be sitting here, in San Diego, thinking back at how you never really know what's coming. Life sure is full of twists and turns.

P.S. When you next watch Anchorman you'll notice that Danny Trejo is the bartender at Rocky's, however the Rocky's in the movie is fictional, not the haven located across the street from my apartment.

Daylight Savings

Not a fan. It was dark before five. The extra hour of sleep is cool, but I'd gladly trade that in exchange for three months of longer days. The sky was lovely tonight. But it was only 4:45 when I took this picture.

Oh well, each day we get closer to Spring.

Narrow Escape

I spent most of today in Point Loma, which is not the nicest area. It's highly commercial, even industrial in parts. I went first to check out a new yoga studio that I got a deal for and after one class I can see why I got a deal. After that I came home for some green tea and oatmeal, showered and then went back to hit Target, Ralph's, and Home Depot, all of which are right in a row off Sports Arena Boulevard. No time for Bed, Bath & Beyond.

On my way back I was struck by the beauty of the twilight sky, and I decided I could stop into CVS in Pacific Beach for a couple other things I hadn't found. As I pulled into the parking lot, the radio kicked in with Faith No More's "We Care A Lot," a killer apathy dirge that I covered with the short lived college supergroup You. Right in front of me was a tow preparing to lift this tricked out k-car off into never never land. The image fit perfectly with the song, it was a scene right out of Repo Man.

Though visually interesting, this was a depressing scenario. It's no fun watching someone else's bad day. But all was not lost.

When I came out of CVS, the k car was released from its chains, and the dodo Cali boys were ready to climb back behind the wheel and resume their automotive freedom. A happy ending. As I made my way back towards Crown Point, I saw the tow truck approaching to my left at an intersection. I took the opportunity and cut it off just for good measure.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Behind The Scenes

And here are some pics to give you a better idea of last week's phenomenal haunted house...

Production Value

Here's some illustration of the San Diegan approach to Halloween.

First Week At Work

Technically it's my second, but we're actually still training so I guess it's neither. Anyway, didn't really explain the new job. Working for an international manufacturer called US Jesco. I'm part of a training group with 3 other actors and we all perform live infomercials at various retail outlets. I took it because a) I need the money, and b) because I think there's some potential here. First of all the company sounds like it is growing and there is plenty of opportunity for advancement. Second of all, this forces me to get up in front of people and rock the house day in, day out, 7 or 8 times a day. I have no doubt that I can knock the hell out of it once in awhile, it's the trick of learning how to do it automatically. I figure that skill will help me in any and all areas as life progresses. Plus, it's part time, so I can still keep working towards my goal of achieving unparalleled excellence in beverage distribution.

Of course the past three weeks, it's been far more than part time. Memorizing a 20 minute presentation, and rehearsing it over and over, this week in front of live audiences. It's a bitch. Today I made a breakthrough and did my best one yet. It was a very good feeling. Almost enough to momentarily eclipse the daily reoccurring thought of, "how the hell did I end up here?" Fortunately, my fellow colleagues are all in the same spot, and they are really talented, very quality guys. So in that sense, I feel I am in good company.

Have to head in for another day of carnival barking tomorrow, but today I did make it out in time to have a jog along the bay, catch the sunset, and get home to watch the Celtics (eventually) win over the Bulls. Momentum is building.

Teddy Throws Down

Those pics are of my buddy throwing down with his hip/hop group at last night's event. He rocked. His group far and away had the best production and stage presence, and it was a joy to see. The other acts were good too, with a couple exceptions. Still, it was a total blast to be rocking out hip hop mecca which was actually just the cocktail lounge of a Quality Inn in Point Loma. Our whole group was there and we all had a great time. The crowd was incredibly mixed: mixed races, multiple generations, civilians, aspiring rappers, even a porn star. It was a scene, man. Good for Teddy, we all expect big things from him.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Scorcher

We had another sweltering day. Didn't even realize it until leaving work this afternoon, when it was 99 degrees in El Cajon. Back in Pacific Beach, it was 89 degrees. I made it down to the coast and dipped in the water, then waited until sunset. It was hotter today than any day since I arrived here at the end of June. Hard to believe it's November.

While I was stopping to eat I was approached by two jubilant guys who said they had to come over and say hi once they saw my Hampton Beach t-shirt. That's their hometown. They were so happy to see me represent. Very cool feeling and positive interaction. One of the kids' parents owned Pufferbellies in Hyannis. Small world.

Have to jet now. One of the actors I'm working with has a showcase tonight for his hip/hop group. We're all heading out to show support. Should be fun.

Hope all is well with everyone.