Monday, January 3, 2011

A Good Start

Productive day. I enjoyed my tea this morning. Scheduled the maintenance and ordered a new tire for the car. Followed down some wine leads and got good feedback. Sat down and organized my thoughts, articulated my goals.

The sun was out for a few hours today, though intermittently. I spent a few moments under the sun standing by the bay. Then the rains came. Quite heavy at times, they're still coming down now.

As you know, the radio out here is just fantastic. Earlier today I had to leave the house to fill out a waiver so I could take some boot camp classes at a studio down the street. I thought this was pretty annoying because I had already signed up online and the classes won't even start until the 31st. Nevertheless, I figured I'd get it over with.

On the way back, the radio rewarded me with David Bowie's greatest song, "Heroes." This song is incredibly personal to me. And to my dad. It came out the year I was born, and has not lost any of its power or beauty. In a true class move, the radio station played the original long version, not the truncated single version. I just sat in my car and enjoyed. Now it's your turn:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This song has deep meaning for me also. I remember the first time I heard it on the radio and fell into a dream. As you may know, Bowie wrote this song in Berlin before the "Wall" fell. It is about two lovers risking their lives to cross the border of "east" and "west" to be together. If I remember correctly, Bowie observed this scene and then immediately put it to words and music. Amazing history for a magical song.
