Friday, February 18, 2011

Rained Out

It was a beautiful start to the day. Bright sun and blue skies. Ran a few errands, thought about how I wanted to get some video of the palm trees shimmering in the sun. Came back home to take care of some bills and pack. A few clouds rolled in. The whale watch was cancelled due to a forecast of rain and gale force winds. When I went to head back out the few white clouds had been eclipsed by a massive dark cloud coming up from the south. I tried to make it to a stretch of blue over in La Jolla but you can see from the pictures that it was too late.

Though it is warm out, around 60, the winds are strong and knock the temperature down about ten degrees. The rains came by the mid-afternoon. I settled in and packed. Met my buddy for a final burger at Rocky's and then went over to hang out with Tom & Jamie for a little while. Back home now, tired, looking to be asleep very shortly.

My mail is on hold, about to be re-directed. The electricity will be cut Sunday. Tomorrow I return the cable box and modem. A guy from Tijuana is coming to purchase the couch at 1, he bought the coffee tables last week. On Wednesday a kid who just moved here from Rhode Island bought the bed. The furniture will be converted to gas money. I'll pack up the car tomorrow.

Time to listen to the wind and rain, and enjoy my final night on the peninsula of Crown Point. I will dearly miss being so close to the ocean.

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