On Sunday I was at The T Man's place for the Super Bowl. I'm not a big NFL fan and could really care less about the game. But T & Jaime are two of the greatest people on the planet so I wasn't passing up the invite. There I was, out on a deck in shorts and a t-shirt playing beer pong in sunny, 75 degree perfection. "Is it really February?" I said out loud, to no one in particular.
Today it was "cold" here. 59 degrees for the high. People were wearing hats, scarves, wool sweaters.
I put a sweatshirt on. To go with my shorts and a t-shirt.
Why is Christina Aguilera's flub of the National Anthem a major news story? She forgot a line, singing live, and delivered. She's not a terrorist, she's not an idiot. She's a performer who made a mistake but still gave a strong performance. It is sad how cynical our nation has become, creating fire where there is not even smoke. No one in our government, neither the executive, judicial or legislative branch, can recall the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, but that isn't a news story despite of record high cable and phone bills.
Meanwhile, the Egyptian revolution has taken a backseat. Anderson Cooper and Katie Couric are back in their US studios while their Middle East correspondents persevere. We made a big deal out of the violence against the anchors. Isn't it obvious to everybody that they were targeted due to their ignorance of Arabic and Egyptian culture? They are not the story. The citizens of Egypt are the story.
Does anyone really believe that there was nothing mechanically wrong with the Toyota models that sent so many people speeding into disaster? Is it really a case of mass hysteria? That doesn't wash.
Finally, I thank Matthew Gibson for finding the online clips of The Trip. And I therefore thank Michael Winterbottom, Steve Coogan, and Rob Brydon for making life better once again, this time with a show about middle age, friendship, and haute cuisine. All six episodes can be viewed for free in 2 part increments on Youtube. Enjoy:
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