Sunday, February 20, 2011

Las Cruces

Woke up in Yuma, though sleep was only intermittent. Still, I felt thrilled to be alive and on my way. I had a killer breakfast at the restaurant next to the hotel where the menu taught me that Yuma was the first stop on the first coast to coast aero flight. Hence all of the airplane imagery in the town. The other main local attraction was the Yuma Territory Prison site. I would've liked to have seen it, but after my breakfast took over an hour and checking out took 15 minutes, I wasn't about to chance further delay.

Checked the tires, filled the tank (gas was $3.04/gal @the Circle K), and headed east. Within 18 miles, I hit the border patrol checkpoint. The only question, "Are you traveling alone?" Then I was on my way.

It took about 4 hours to reach Tucson, which was as non-descript as a known city can be. I stopped into a restaurant called Micha's and had an outstanding taco plate and margarita. Dirt cheap, wonderfully fresh and lightening fast, great find. Another fill up and I was back on the road headed for Las Cruces, which took another 4 plus hours.

When I looked over my options last night I decided to head through Flagstaff for Albuquerque. But when I woke up this morning, I decided on Las Cruces instead. It would be about an hour and a half shorter, and was some place I have not been. On the way into Tucson, I heard a weather report advising drivers in Sedona and Flagstaff area to use their 4 wheel drives or bring their chains if they had to drive on account of a major winter storm. So I caught a huge break there. Along the way today I saw some cacti, rock formations, and one herd of sheep. Sunsets are behind me on this trip, and that is something I'm not crazy about. I love watching the sun set into the Pacific, and miss it already.

Stopped for gas outside Tucson and ended up parked next to a prisoner transport van. Fittingly, this is was a mile from the exit for Tombstone, AZ. Fun road signs of the day: BLOWING DUST AREA, and ZERO VISIBILITY POSSIBLE. I crossed into New Mexico right at dusk, and the sky behind me was beautiful. Just before coming into Las Cruces, I crossed the Rio Grande.

As for Las Cruces, not much to speak of. A collection of strip malls, motels, car lots. By 8:30 only two restaurants remained open on this side of town, McDonald's and Applebee's. I chose Applebee's, and am now in a room at La Quinta Inn next door for $65.

Tomorrow I'll head up to Albuquerque en route to Texas. For now, though, I'm too tired to look at a route. My legs and neck are stiff. Covered 514 miles today, drove from 12 to 8:30. Hope that tonight I can get more sleep.

For my driving music today I listened to Shangri-La by Mark Knopfler and Praise & Blame by Tom Jones. I also plugged in my iPod for an hour and the first song shuffle selected was an inspired choice, Ministry's cover of "Lay Lady Lay." But today's musical highlight was undoubtedly Waylon Jennings with "Good 'Ol Boys," the theme song for my favorite childhood tv show, The Dukes of Hazzard. Kick ass!

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