Tuesday, June 14, 2011


One year ago today I made my first post detailing my anticipation & anxiety before I set out on my journey to find an illustrious career in California. 366 days later, I am back in the same room where I wrote that first entry, wondering what was ahead. Now I possess the knowledge of the past year, though I am still wondering what lies ahead.

Here I am, back where I started. But now I am an apprentice in the industry I've tried to gain entry into for two years. I am no longer wishing I was elsewhere, at least not geographically. Financially, yes, I'm longing for better days. And they will come.

My California plates are retired. My car is registered back in Mass. I'm split between my new home and my old home, spending more time in my car than either of them. Unsettled, once more, yet I am on the right path.

The knowledge of my surroundings is no longer confining, It is instead a tool for my advantage.

My first client in Suffolk County is one of my late uncle's favorite places. My others are still waiting to begin.

I received my first commission check. My pay out for May was $7 dollars and 47 cents. I'm keeping that check, where one day it will be framed in my office. There's nowhere to go but up.

Yesterday I received my selling license from the state. I am officially in the wine/spirits business.

Though I don't live close by, I visit the ocean most days of the week. Soon I will have a book of clients and a home there.

I am with my family and friends. I am not searching, I am working. I am building my life.

All those things I set out to do one year ago are now coming true. This is not what I foresaw in terms of timing or location, but how much of life is? It took a lot of miles and hours to find an opportunity right next door, and now is the time. I am where I belong.

A year ago tonight I was nervous and excited, tonight in many ways I feel the same. But tomorrow I won't be packing, or heading West. Instead, I'll be headed into the office, and then out to visit prospects. That is the entire reason I left last year. And if I hadn't, I wouldn't be where I am today.

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